Spring Gobbler Hunts
If you love to wake up on a crisp spring morning
to the oak ridges coming alive with the earth shattering gobble
from a mature "Tom" turkey...have we got something for you!
Guided, One-On-One Hunts
Razorback Guide Service owns and operates
on over 2,700 acres of farmland with exclusive hunting rights for
our clients. This land contains a number of mature gobblers. Our
experienced staff will guide you on your hunt and do all the calling
for you. You should be in good shape since you will likely "run
and gun" to get in front of the birds as they make their way through
the woods in search of the ladies.

Spring Gobbler Season In Virginia
The Spring Gobbler Season in Virginia
runs from mid-April to mid-May. Book your hunt now for best availability
on this quality privateland hunt.